3 steps to starting your own IT support business

| By: Jeff Bishop

Small businesses rely on remote IT support as a low cost and effective alternative to staffing their own internal IT departments. These owners rely on the expertise of their IT service to resolve technical issues, make hardware recommendations, and train end users on software programs. If you’re looking to start your own remote IT support business, use the following steps to get started.

#1: Pick out service offerings and price them

First thing’s first, you need to figure out what services you can offer and price them according to competitors within the market. Make a list of what you can already do, whether removing viruses from operating systems or training users on how to use the software programs they already have. Research what competitors charge for these services and survey what potential customers need.

Using this information, you can make the decision on what exactly to offer and for how much. Depending upon what you decide and whom you want to work with, you’ll need to structure your company as sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation. Each has its advantages and some may not be applicable to your unique situation, so do your research.

#2: Market and advertise your services

You can offer the best PC support services in the world and fail if nobody knows about them. Test out new marketing and advertising strategies to see which options offer the best returns for your particular company and market. Immediately discontinue what doesn’t work and keep improving on what does. Some strategies that tend to work to successfully market remote IT support services include strategic partnerships, executive networking meetings, and incentivizing referrals from happy clients.

#3: Invest in the right software and hardware

To successfully help clients and deliver expertise, invest in the right software and hardware solutions from the beginning. This provides the best experience for your clients. For instance, IT solutions providers need remote access and sharing tools to work on client workstations. Choosing a robust tool like ConnectWise Control shows clients that you’re serious about helping them.

Aim to really understand how you want your business to operate, considering everything from how clients notify you of a problem, how you schedule out support, who helps them, and how. By knowing what the process is in advance, you can identify what tools you need to make it happen. Remote connection software, like ConnectWise Control, is often one of the first IT solutions support businesses purchase to get started supporting clients.
