Meet your 2020 business goals: introducing our Business Maturity Assessment

| By:
Brad Schow

How are you progressing towards your business goals for 2020? According to U.S. News, approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February. The ConnectWise Business Maturity Assessment can help get you back on track—and up to speed.

By scoring your Managed Service Provider (MSP) organization in three key business areas—sales process and strategy, business management, and service delivery—and comparing you to the top-ranking MSPs across the industry, we’ll help you understand where your organization is versus where you want it to be—and how to close that gap.

Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Taking the ConnectWise Business Maturity Assessment and uncovering your biggest opportunity areas is the first step toward making significant, long-term business improvements, sparking change, and receiving tangible results. Read on to learn more about the three key areas of the assessment, and why optimizing them is vital to your business growth.

IT sales process and strategy

You know that IT sales are the heart of your business growth. But according to Forbes, two-thirds of the average sales representative’s time is spent on non-revenue generating activities. Developing a process that allows you to deliver fast, professional, and accurate IT quotes—and makes it easy for customers to do business with you—is essential to your business running as efficiently and profitably as possible.

ConnectWise Sell® is a professional IT quoting and proposal software that comes with a collection of ready-to-use proposals and sales quote templates. While still leaving room for customization, your sales reps can save hours spent putting these documents together from scratch—and eliminate the inevitable human error that comes with manual data entry. And by automating much of the process, these solutions can not only increase accuracy, but also save your reps up to two hours per quote, freeing up more time for selling.

The best part? The comprehensive solution doesn’t just automate the front end of the process, it optimizes the back end, too—allowing you to track sales and store data in the same place—simplifying communication processes and consolidating disparate sales systems.

Streamlining your overall sales process isn’t just profitable—it’s strategic. And creating a cohesive business strategy is something that takes time, effort, and collaboration. The sooner you can assess and understand what needs to be done, the sooner you can implement changes organization-wide.

IT business management

Companies everywhere lose millions each year to operational inefficiencies. And as you grow, they only become more costly. To successfully scale your business, you’ll need to move from brute force management to a more proactive, streamlined model. The more your business is driven by standardized processes, optimized tools, and performance KPIs, the more prepared your organization will be for any shifts—and the more likely it is to achieve long-term success and scale.

With ConnectWise business management solutions, you can streamline operations across your organization and consolidate them onto one connected platform. By gaining critical reports and KPIs that help guide strategic direction, you unlock the visibility and insights necessary to make data-driven business decisions. Backed by an understanding of what services are bringing in profit and what areas are underperforming, you remain better positioned to manage your business for future growth. With IT business management software, you can eliminate waste, implement automation, and gain efficiencies by over 20% per year.

IT service delivery

The foundation for strong client relationships is fast, consistent, and reliable IT service delivery. For many MSPs, a major barrier to speedy and successful service delivery stems from inefficiencies in their own processes coupled with an acceleration of service needs across their customer base.

When it comes to assessing and improving your organization’s service delivery processes in an ever-quickening industry, adopting a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool will increase the efficiency of your existing staff and allow you to better utilize its resources. With a comprehensive RMM like the one offered by ConnectWise, you’ll gain access to an all-in-one toolbox for IT management, including remote desktop monitoring, trouble ticket tracking, user information, support, and more—powered by a single interface.

With regular, automated reports on your clients’ hardware and applications, service and resolution delivery are streamlined, reaping immediate ROI and leveraging your strongest asset: superior technology. After all, better service delivery starts with optimizing your own operations, and working outwards from the inside to consistently exceed customer expectations.

Bringing together the big picture

The free ConnectWise Business Maturity Assessment analyzes:

  • How your business management stacks up against the top MSPs across the industry, and how you can make improvements.
  • Areas where you can optimize your help desk and free your techs from routine, manual IT tasks.
  • Areas where your sales team shines and areas with room for improvement, guiding you to build more accurate quotes at speed and scale.

Once you complete the assessment, complete a quick form to receive your customized report regarding what your individual score means and how you can improve it.