Blog Posts by Amy Lucia

Amy Lucia
Amy Lucia
Chief Marketing Officer (2021-2023)

Amy Lucia was Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for ConnectWise from 2021-2023, serving on the company’s Executive Leadership Team. She was responsible for overseeing all aspects of Global Marketing to accelerate business growth, expand platform adoption, drive partner experience innovation, and support industry-leading colleague engagement.

Amy brought more than twenty years of marketing and sales experience spanning the Fortune 100 Enterprise, SMB, and social sector spaces to ConnectWise. Prior to ConnectWise, Lucia served as vice president of corporate marketing at Blackbaud (Nasdaq: BLKB), the world’s leading cloud software company powering social good, during a season when the brand rapidly catapulted to be one of the top 40 cloud software providers worldwide.

Amy also spent 11 years at Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and served in various award-winning leadership roles across marketing and sales; including overseeing U.S. channel marketing supporting recruitment, enablement, and revenue generation across an ecosystem of nearly 400,000 partners. Lucia also served in non-governmental organization (NGO) leadership roles, including vice president of marketing for International Justice Mission (IJM) fighting slavery and human trafficking, and chief marketing officer for poverty alleviation NGO World Relief.

Amy has a track record of building high-performing, award-winning marketing teams and has helped bring best-selling books and a major motion picture to market. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Millersville University of Pennsylvania.

Amy is an active philanthropist and is committed to volunteerism that expands the impact of social good organizations. She served as a three-time Executive Mentor for the Fortune/U.S. State Department Women’s Mentoring Partnership, a part of the Fortune Most Powerful Women community. Amy is a member of ConnectWise’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, and was a Founding Member of Blackbaud’s Global Diversity & Inclusion Council and Member of its Senior Women’s Leadership Council.

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3 min read
Delivering seamless communication experience with new self-service ConnectWise Profile & Preference Center and other new resources
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