Business resilience vs. business continuity

| By:
Sagar Kamat

In today's unpredictable business landscape, it's critical for organizations to cultivate resilience against a multitude of challenges. From cyber threats to global crises, your ability to guide them in mitigating these threats could determine their operational survival.

While it may seem like the focus of an MSP is to optimize clients' technical infrastructure, this concept goes hand in hand with business resilience and continuity strategies.

This article explores the concepts of business resilience and business continuity, two concepts that work together to ensure organizations are equipped to both adapt and rebound from a catastrophic event.

What is business resilience? 

Business resilience is about much more than weathering the storm—it’s about navigating through it to reach calmer waters. As an MSP, your role is to help clients adapt, sustain, and recover from various disruptions while maintaining essential operations.

There are three core components of business resilience:

  1. Risk management: This starts with identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities through thorough assessments, enabling you to proactively mitigate risks and allocate resources efficiently to safeguard critical assets.
  2. Adaptability and flexibility: In a dynamic business landscape, being open to innovation and change is vital. Adaptability and flexibility allow you to swiftly adjust strategies and operations in response to challenges and opportunities.
  3. Continuity planning: Developing comprehensive plans ensures the continuity of essential functions during disruptions, minimizing downtime and protecting your reputation. Recovery plans and predefined responses to scenarios like natural disasters or cyberattacks are critical.

Here are examples of business resilience in action:

Transition to remote work: During the COVID-19 pandemic, resilient businesses quickly shifted to remote work using technology, remote access, and communication tools to maintain productivity despite physical distance. 

Supply chain disruptions: Resilient companies anticipate supply chain issues and diversify sourcing strategies. When unexpected disruptions occur, they pivot to alternative suppliers or adjust production to ensure minimal impact on customer deliveries.

Cybersecurity incidents: Prioritizing cybersecurity includes implementing robust measures, vulnerability assessments, and incident response protocols. However, business resilience transcends reactive response practices to focus on risk awareness and preparation. 

By embracing adaptability, managing risks, and prioritizing continuity, you enhance your operational maturity and deliver superior services. Aligning with resilience principles positions you as a strategic partner and sets you up for success against a constantly evolving threat landscape. As a note, the concept of cyber resiliency takes some of the basic resiliency principles here and applies them to a cybersecurity context.

What is business continuity? 

In a way, you can consider business continuity a specific subset of business resilience. How so? Business continuity ensures your uninterrupted operations by implementing plans, policies, and procedures, particularly in the face of disruptions. It’s a proactive strategy to maintain your core functions, preserve your reputation, customer trust, and overall business viability. In that regard, it’s a specific way you can help a business stay resilient. It's important to differentiate between business continuity vs disaster recovery to comprehensively address both immediate and long-term challenges.

Key goals of business continuity include:

  1. Minimizing downtime: Swift recovery from events like natural disasters, cyberattacks, or power outages is pivotal. Your solid plan restores critical operations promptly, preventing prolonged interruptions. Even a short downtime can have a severe impact for many types of organizations.
  2. Protect data and assets: Safeguarding your data, systems, and assets is central. Data backups, redundant infrastructure, and cybersecurity measures are essential for reducing data loss and maintaining operational integrity.
  3. Ensure confidence: Maintaining consistent service, even in challenging times, enhances customer and stakeholder confidence. Your business continuity efforts uphold commitments, service levels, and communication channels, bolstering trust.

Examples of business continuity in action:

  1. Natural disaster impact: While you may not control the weather, you do have sway over power outages and safeguarding hardware. In areas prone to natural disasters like hurricanes, planning for electrical interruptions and protecting critical hardware are paramount.
  2. Cybersecurity breach: During a significant cyberattack, you outline the isolation of affected systems, implementation of incident response measures, and restoration from backups. BCDR solutions should complement proactive cybersecurity practices to ensure downtime is minimized after an incident.
  3. Supply chain disruptions: Your focus isn't on single suppliers, but on creating contingency plans for potential disruptions in the digital services and software your clients rely upon.

Business continuity isn't just an isolated concept—it is an integral part of business resilience. Guiding your clients in effective continuity planning not only improves your service delivery but also enhances their long-term viability. For more information on how to support business continuity and disaster recovery for your clients, check out The MSP’s Guide To BCDR.

Why are business resilience and continuity important? 

Business continuity and resilience are pivotal for both end clients and MSPs, equipping you with robust strategies to navigate today's intricate business landscape. Here are some key areas of contribution:

  • Mitigating financial loss: Your business continuity efforts act as a safety net, facilitating swift recovery to prevent prolonged downtime. A solid plan is essential to minimize disruptions to critical functions and ensure financial stability.
  • Maintaining customer trust: Both concepts assure consistent service delivery even amid disruptions. Business continuity sustains commitments and service levels, bolstering customer confidence in your reliability.
  • Minimizing operational disruptions: Business continuity is vital for maintaining ongoing operations during disruptions. It focuses on developing plans, processes, and technologies for rapid recovery and normal activity resumption, curbing the impact of disruptions.
  • Preparation and response: A combination of proactive and reactive strategies are integral to comprehensive preparedness. Business continuity forms the core of a comprehensive resilience strategy, facilitating seamless responses to disruptions. Resilience, on the other hand, empowers you to proactively tackle a broader range of challenges.
  • Competitive advantage: .Integrating resilience and continuity fuels adaptability and innovation. Organizations with well-defined strategies gain a competitive edge, responding to market shifts with agility and capitalizing on growth opportunities.

For more insights on why business resiliency is critical to building a profitable MSP, check out our blog on how to build a successful MSP model.

Best practices for business resilience and continuity planning 

Implementing best practices in business resilience and continuity planning is essential for organizations, MSPs included. Thorough risk assessments, targeted strategies, and clear response protocols within a comprehensive continuity plan are crucial. 

Regular testing, updates, and fostering a culture of collaboration ensure readiness. These practices empower you to adapt, respond, and recover effectively, positioning you for sustained success in the face of disruptions.

Creating a business resilience plan 

To establish a comprehensive resilience plan, follow a systematic approach that considers potential risks, vulnerabilities, and strategies to ensure uninterrupted operations:

  1. Assess risks and vulnerabilities: Conduct a thorough assessment of potential risks, including natural disasters, cyberthreats, supply chain disruptions, and more. This empowers you to devise strategies to mitigate their impact.
  2. Define business objectives: Clearly define the business objectives that need safeguarding during disruptive events, and identify critical functions, key assets, and essential stakeholders.
  3. Develop risk mitigation strategies: Create tailored strategies to address vulnerabilities, including preventive measures and responsive actions, based on the risk assessment.
  4. Implement business continuity measures: Integrate protocols, procedures, and response plans into the resilience plan to minimize downtime and maintain service delivery, even when faced with disruptions.
  5. Establish communication protocols: Set up clear communication protocols to disseminate information to employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Effective communication is crucial for coordinated responses.
  6. Train employees and conduct drills: Train your workforce on the resilience plan and regularly conduct drills to test its efficacy and prepare for real-life incidents. This ensures everyone knows their roles during disruptions.
  7. Maintain data backups: Regularly back up critical data and store it securely to ensure swift restoration in case of data loss or system disruption. This precaution preserves your essential information.
  8. Monitor and review: Continuously monitor the business environment, reviewing and updating the plan periodically to adapt to evolving threats. This proactive approach keeps you prepared.

Creating a resilience plan is a proactive and ongoing endeavor that demands collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement. By following these steps and insights, organizations can strengthen their capacity to navigate challenges, minimize disruptions, and ensure the sustained success of their operations.

Creating a business continuity plan 

To develop a robust business contingency plan that fosters business resiliency, organizations must take a proactive and strategic approach. Here are the key steps and tips to create an effective business contingency plan:

  1. Identify potential disruptions: Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential disruptions that could impact the organization. This includes considering various scenarios such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, economic downturns, supply chain disruptions, and pandemics.
  2. Establish an emergency response team: Formulate an emergency response team comprising key stakeholders from different departments. This team will be responsible for coordinating responses during crises and implementing the contingency plan effectively.
  3. Develop response procedures: Create detailed response procedures for each identified disruption scenario. Outline step-by-step instructions, responsibilities, and decision-making protocols to ensure a swift and coordinated response.
  4. Data recovery: Adopt solid data backup and retrieval strategies to protect critical client information.
  5. Resource redundancy: Plan for critical digital services and software, arranging for backups and alternative solutions distinct from data recovery plans.
  6. Communicate and train: Effective communication is vital during crises. Regularly communicate the contingency plan to all employees, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities. Conduct training sessions and drills to prepare the workforce for potential disruptions.
  7. Test and review the plan: Regularly test the contingency plan through simulations and exercises to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement. Review and update the plan based on feedback and changing business needs.
  8. Monitor and stay informed: Continuously monitor the business environment and stay informed about emerging risks and trends. Remain agile and adaptable to address potential threats promptly.

Business management solutions for MSPs

While interconnected, business resilience and continuity have distinct goals. Business continuity ensures operational consistency, while resilience readies you to anticipate risks, respond to threats, and secure long-term success.

In both regards, ConnectWise Business Management solutions are designed to set MSPs up for success. Our business suite is equipped with robust PSA software, quote and proposal automation, business intelligence, and real-time reporting dashboards to help you seamlessly manage and grow your business. 

Because no two MSP businesses are the same, we offer multiple unified monitoring and management solutions tailored to support your business and client needs. Learn more about how ConnectWise can help you grow your business or watch a demo of ConnectWise BCDR to see our business continuity tools in action.  


The difference between business continuity and resilience lies in their focus: continuity emphasizes maintaining operations during disruptions, while resilience emphasizes thriving amidst change. With that said, business continuity can be considered a subset of business resilience. In addition, this is not to be confused with cyber resiliency, which focuses on an organization’s ability to recover after a cybersecurity incident.

Business continuity ensures immediate recovery from events like cyberattacks or power outages. Business resilience goes further, involving proactive risk assessment, strategic planning, and innovation, which allows an organization to leverage disruptions for growth and improvement.

Suppose a coastal bank faced a major hurricane that threatened its headquarters and branches. 

With a robust business continuity plan, it quickly switched to redundant data centers, ensuring uninterrupted service and data security. Remote work options, diverse communication channels, and mobile banking maintained essential operations and stakeholder engagement. 

This agile response illustrates the power of strategic planning in preserving business integrity and customer trust during unforeseen challenges.