3 Essential Resources to Effectively Market In-House

| By:
Maddie Metheny

In today's market, companies are struggling to find top talent. It’s no secret that the talent shortage is real and particularly evident in marketing. In fact, global talent shortages are at an all-time high, with 75% of employers reporting challenges finding the talent they are looking for. But with every challenge, there is a solution! With valuable, in-house marketing resources, companies can still thrive—even in the face of a talent shortage.

1. Marketing automation software

Marketing automation is a simple way for marketers to get things done. This software manages daily tasks and processes needed to maintain efficiency in marketing departments. Marketing automation is a must-have when marketing in-house.

These platforms are so relevant that you may already use them. HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, and ConnectWise PSA™ are some of the most popular across industries and offer countless features. These tools are an investment to help you save time, money, and effort.

A good marketing automation platform streamlines your in-house marketing efforts by automating tasks such as email campaigns, lead generation, social media scheduling, and analytics tracking. Essentially, you’re building your brand and business while nurturing customer relationships.

2. Analytics and reporting tools

You can only effectively market in-house with tools that track, analyze, and measure how your marketing efforts are performing. Analytics and reporting tools provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and campaigns. They give meaning to all the hard work you do.

Data is key to understanding what your audience likes and doesn't like. With this information, you can adjust your strategies to fit your target market and make data-driven decisions

Analytics and reporting tools are necessary when marketing in-house by measuring return on investment (ROI) and putting meaning and value behind what you're doing. Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Omniture and BrightGauge are great resources to help you track, analyze, and measure your marketing efforts.

3. Project management platforms

Project management tools are another “must-have” for bringing your marketing efforts in-house. These platforms serve as a digital workspace for teams to organize and keep track of their work. Essentially, it's like a giant whiteboard with sticky notes and lists, except it’s online and easily accessible for your team anywhere they work. It's where team members can collaborate, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress and performance. Having a project management platform makes it easy for everyone to get on the same page and get things done efficiently.

Platforms such as Asana, Trello, Monday.com and ConnectWise PSA can help you and your teams manage the progress of your marketing projects while offering advanced collaboration tools so your team can communicate and stay organized.

Marketing in-house can be intimidating without the right people and tools in place. With the ConnectWise Partner Program, you'll gain access to educational resources, in-depth training videos, marketing assets, go-to-market campaigns, and community-based events to set you up for in-house marketing success.
