ConnectWise User Groups™

Regional product training in a city near you

What to expect at ConnectWise User Groups

An icon of a lightbulb with a brain inside

Share ideas and experiences

Engage with your MSP community and strengthen your network. Partners share best practices and innovative ways they use their ConnectWise solutions in their business. 

An icon of a lightbulb

Strengthen product knowledge

Focus on your business challenges with the support of your peers and product experts. We train on various solutions and powerful integrations that save you time and money. 

An icon of a computer network

Network with peers

Step away from your business, spend time with friends, and make new connections in your region. These personalized events include hours of networking, from pre-event dinners to local entertainment venues.

An icon of a globe with a headset around it

Connect with product experts

Meet with fellow partners, integration vendors, and a team of ConnectWise leaders and product experts to solve business challenges and answer your questions in person. 


Register for an upcoming user group

San Francisco

Rescheduled date Nov 13

Register now >>


4 December 2024

Details coming soon

No Asia-Pacific groups scheduled at this time

(Dates and venues subject to change.)

Why Attend?


Frequently Asked Questions

You will be able to find the user group agenda on the unique event registration pages. There may be some variations of agendas and content depending on the location.

-Hours of networking time with other ConnectWise partners like you in your region

-A variety of ConnectWise product business application training with actionable insights

-Updates from ConnectWise including how to get the most out of your partnership, ConnectWise product innovations and how we can help you achieve your most ambitious vision of success

-Connecting with ConnectWise colleagues who can answer your questions in person

-Fun and relaxing experiences such as pre–event dinners or local entertainment venues – don’t forget to sign up for special events when you register, spaces are limited!

ConnectWise user groups are regional, one-day events where you (partners) can network with peers and attend ConnectWise product-focused sessions, giving you immediately actionable takeaways!

If you're a ConnectWise partner looking for product training and education, the ability to meet with like-minded peers, then ConnectWise user groups are for you!

At these user groups, you'll have the opportunity to:

-Share ideas and experiences

-Network with peers

-Connect with ConnectWise leaders and product experts

Business casual.

Yes, you can still register for this event even if you are not a ConnectWise partner. This is a great event if you are looking to learn more about ConnectWise products and the programs we offer to our partners to help them achieve their most ambitious vision of success.

Each user group provides you access to a variety of ConnectWise leaders and product experts. You can expect ConnectWise representation from the following teams: Education, Product Management, Executive leadership, Partner Success, Account Management, community and more.

Our code of conduct is designed to ensure that all attendees have a meaningful and valuable experience. We expect all attendees to hold themselves accountable to the following:
-Participate in an authentic and active way
-Exercise consideration and respect in communication
 -Don't recruit employees, share jobs, or inquire about job opportunities
-If you sell a product or service, such as consulting, please share through a sponsorship (see Sponsors section for more info)

To receive communications about upcoming events and news you want to know about, you can customize your contact information and email notifications ConnectWise Profile and Preference Center. Tailor your preferences to both “Events” and “IT Nation Newsletter” to receive timely updates about IT Nation-related events. We also recommend following IT Nation on LinkedIn and Facebook where we frequently post about upcoming events and programs.  

If interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities please contact: Davina Collins, Solution Partner Event Sales Manager at

User groups offer you an opportunity to engage with a variety of vendor solutions ranging from cybersecurity to service delivery and more. Every sponsor in attendance offers a solution and/or service that is a certified integrator of one or more of our ConnectWise solutions.

Each event city and location will have its own sponsors. Sponsors who are confirmed to participate will be easily identified on the event registration agenda and summary pages.

Events take place at a variety of venues but are most frequently held at well-known hotel venues such as Marriott and Hilton in larger cities across North America, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand with close proximity to airports and main highways, making it easy to travel in and out in 24 hours or less.

When you register for the event, you will get an option to register for pre-event activities and the main event. You must make these selections at the time that you register to ensure your spot. If you need to cancel your pre- or post-event experience, you can email us at

You will get a confirmation email shortly after you complete your registration. We will send you additional information a week prior to the event and the day before the event, so you will know what to expect during the event.