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PitchIT and Channel Program are proud to present this year's preliminaries: Battle Royale—Channel Edition!

PitchIT is our annual accelerator program, dedicated to incubating growth in our startup integration partners dedicated to the MSP space. Now in its 6th year, we’re looking to take a new group of innovators to new heights!

How do we help those companies selected to this year’s program?

  • The companies take part in a 16-week business transformation course, led by industry experts, covering sales, marketing, branding and messaging, product security, and more, plus pitch-building
  • We also engage in co-marketing with this year’s selected vendors on a series of webinars within the MSP space to gain awareness, refine their pitches, and share their expertise to our partners
  • Listing on ConnectWise Marketplace to highlight their integrations to our partners
  • The top 3 finalists are paired with a coach, and present their pitch live at IT Nation Connect
  • $100,000 in grant award money – not an investment – to the top 2 finishers ($70,000 for 1st place, $30,000 for 2nd)
  • There is no cost for you to apply, and no cost if accepted!

Ready to showcase your innovation? Apply Now »

Why do we do this?

ConnectWise is dedicated to 3 promises to our partners – make it easier to do business with us, invest in partner growth, and more innovation, faster. PitchIT is a perfect vehicle for this. We want to spark innovation and fuel growth for companies who build solutions that integrate with our platform and help make our partners more efficient, profitable, and secure.

Business Assessment

Business Coaching

Marketplace Visibility



Congratulations to Thread, who was the PitchIT 2023 winner of $70,000!

Interested but still have questions?


Apply for PitchIT 2024 Today!

Fill out the form below to be considered for next year’s program. View our terms and conditions.