ConnectWise MDR™ for Microsoft 365 service empowers MSPs to cover a common blind spot by monitoring, protecting, and remediating Microsoft Office 365 (e.g., email, SharePoint, OneDrive, Office applications) exposures and attacks. The service protects Microsoft 365 environments covered by Microsoft Defender for Office 365.

ConnectWise MDR™ for Microsoft 365

Monitor, protect, and remediate Microsoft 365 exposures and attacks.

ConnectWise MDR™ for Microsoft 365 allows you to secure Microsoft 365 environments against cyberattacks without needing to hire additional staff. 


Give Microsoft 365 the protection it deserves.

Comprehensive coverage

The Microsoft Defender for Office 365 alert feed is analyzed by our internal systems and highly trained and certified security analysts to ensure nothing is missed.

Focus on what matters most

ConnectWise MDR for Microsoft 365 minimizes alert fatigue and eliminates false positives from the alert feed, enabling high-fidelity responses and escalations.

24/7 protection

Benefit from the expertise of over 200 ConnectWise security operations center analysts, gaining peace of mind without needing to hire additional staff.

Safeguard your clients’ Microsoft 365 environments.

Full integration with Microsoft Defender for Office 365

The integration provides actionable data and telemetry for fast decisions and responses, going beyond basic alerting.

Automatic remediation

Automated containment actions are taken while further investigations are underway.

Full management of alerts

ConnectWise security operations center analysts manage alert status and close alerts on your behalf within Microsoft Defender for Office 365, significantly reducing your overhead.

Escalations for severe, active threats

ConnectWise security operations center analysts will notify you of an active threat via phone call and engage with you to assist in further response.

Customizable runbooks

You can provide customized instructions per customer to guide our team’s actions.

Full incident response option

Optionally, a highly trained and certified response team will engage in the case of an active ongoing attack.

support technician typing on keyboard while speaking on headset
Special Offer: 50% Off ConnectWise MDR™ for Microsoft 365

Until December 31, 2024, enhance your clients’ cybersecurity defenses with ConnectWise MDR for Microsoft 365 at an incredible 50% discount!

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