How disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) helps support your clients

| By:
Sagar Kamat

A disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) solution leverages cloud-based resources, data replication, and recovery capabilities to safeguard an organization's digital assets. Due to their growing reliance on technology, organizations are more exposed to disruptions like cyberattacks and hardware failures. DRaaS provides a scalable approach that allows rapid restoration of essential systems, applications, and data. Compared to traditional methods, it simplifies the process by eliminating the need for complex infrastructure and substantial investments.

The disaster recovery as a service market is rapidly evolving, offering innovative solutions for businesses of all sizes. Crafting resilient recovery plans via DRaaS infrastructure has become imperative to help mitigate risks from potential disruptions, such as cyberattacks and natural disasters, and support business continuity.

What is disaster recovery as a service?

DRaaS is an agile solution that uses cloud technology to protect businesses from disruptions, such as cyberattacks, hardware failures, or natural disasters. Unlike traditional disaster recovery methods which can be complex and resource-intensive, DRaaS offers a streamlined and accessible approach.

Traditional disaster recovery often requires significant investment in infrastructure and maintenance. Geographical limitations and a lack of flexibility are common issues. 

Comparatively, DRaaS provides a cost-effective and scalable solution, enabling rapid recovery through the cloud without the need for complex physical infrastructures.

You can leverage DRaaS to offer a complete disaster recovery solution that combines your expertise with cloud technology's agility. You can configure, monitor, and manage DRaaS platforms, ensuring seamless operations and minimizing client downtime. This allows you to present a compelling value proposition to your clients.

While DRaaS and Backup as a Service (BaaS) share similarities, they serve different aspects of data protection. BaaS focuses on archiving and storing copies of data securely, while DRaaS covers a broader spectrum including data, applications, systems, and entire environments.

DRaaS and BaaS can work in tandem to create a robust disaster recovery strategy. While BaaS ensures data availability, DRaaS extends this capability to the entire IT infrastructure. This enables organizations to resume operations swiftly after a disaster or complete system outage.

How disaster recovery as a service works

DRaaS integrates service provider expertise with cloud technology to protect critical business functions. The DRaaS process consists of distinct phases, each contributing to a complete, robust recovery solution:

  • Assessment and planning:
  • Replication and backup:
    • Creation of redundant copies of data, applications, and systems in the cloud.
    • Continuous synchronization with the primary on-premises infrastructure.
  • Failover and recovery:
    • Redirection of users and operations to the cloud-based environment.
    • Swift restoration of business operations adhering to predefined RTOs and RPOs.
  • Testing and validation:
    • Regular testing to simulate disaster scenarios.
    • Identification and resolution of any issues or gaps.
  • The provider-customer relationship: The symbiotic relationship between MSPs and customers is central to DRaaS execution and involves key interactions:
    • Consultation and customization: Tailoring of the DRaaS strategy to align with business goals and risk tolerance.
    • Implementation and configuration: Setup of backup schedules, replication mechanisms, and fail-over processes.
    • Ongoing monitoring and management: Continuous monitoring and optimization of the backup and recovery processes.
    • Collaborative testing and optimization: Joint testing and scenario simulations to foster transparency and efficiency.

Disaster recovery as a service models

DRaaS has a range of models tailored to different needs and aspects of disaster recovery, but there are three core types of approaches to choose from.

Backup-centric DRaaS

At this model's foundation lies the data backup and recovery concept. Backup-centric DRaaS focuses on regularly replicating critical data and applications to a remote cloud environment. The backed-up data can be swiftly recovered in a disaster, ensuring continuity.


  • Simplicity: Streamlines the disaster recovery process, offering an uncomplicated and efficient solution for safeguarding data.
  • Quick recovery speed: Enables immediate restoration of crucial information, reducing downtime and mitigating losses.

Ideal scenarios:

  • Ideal for businesses seeking a cost-effective solution to safeguard critical data.
  • Well-suited for organizations prioritizing rapid data recovery and minimal downtime.
  • Fast and efficient restoration of individual files and applications.

Replication-centric DRaaS:

Replication-centric DRaaS extends beyond data to include entire virtual machines or systems. This model involves real-time replication of virtual machines (VM) to a secondary location. In a disaster, failover occurs, redirecting users and operations to the replicated environment.


  • Enhanced recovery capabilities: Offers a comprehensive recovery plan, including full system replication, enabling complete business continuity.
  • Near-instantaneous fail-over: Provides almost immediate system restoration, minimizing downtime and maintaining essential operations.

Ideal scenarios:

Managed DRaaS:

Managed DRaaS offers a comprehensive and hands-on approach. In this model, providers take on a more active role; planning, implementing, and managing the entire recovery process.


  • Expert guidance and support: Ensures quality control and a well-crafted recovery strategy through professional management.
  • Hands-on management by experienced providers: Allows businesses to leverage specialized expertise for a tailored and effective recovery plan.

Ideal scenarios:

  • Well-suited for businesses wanting a comprehensive and hands-off approach.
  • Ideal for those with limited in-house expertise or resources for planning and management.
  • Allows companies to offload the complexity of implementation and ongoing monitoring to skilled professionals.

Benefits of disaster recovery as a service

DRaaS revolutionizes traditional disaster recovery by offering unique advantages that enhance business resilience and continuity. Here's how:

  • Rapid recovery and reduced downtime:
    • Uses automation and cloud-based resources.
    • Ensures uninterrupted operations with quick recovery.
  • Cost-effective scalability:
    • Pay-as-you-go model caters to businesses of all sizes.
    • Enables controlled growth without hefty investments.
  • Reduced IT complexity:
    • Simplifies the disaster recovery process.
    • Frees up internal IT teams to focus on core business activities.
  • Streamlined compliance and reporting:
  • Faster onboarding and implementation:
    • Cuts down in bloat and delays during onboarding.
    • Facilitates timely adoption and integration.
  • Predictable costs and budgeting:
    • Provides transparent pricing structures.
    • Minimizes unforeseen financial surprises.
  • Enhanced focus on core business:
    • Encourages innovation, growth, and customer engagement.
    • Redirects efforts from recovery planning to value creation.
  • Continuous availability and resilience:
    • Employs automated mechanisms for consistent service.
    • Builds confidence with customers, stakeholders, and partners.

Learn more about how managed backup can augment your DRaaS strategy in our on-demand webinar, Are You Ready for Managed Backup?

Finding the right DRaaS solution 

When selecting a disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) solution, here are some key traits you should consider: 

  • Scalability and flexibility:
    • It’s important to have a solution that can adapt to client business growth, scaling resources by needs.
  • Automated and efficient recovery:
    • Uses automation for quick, risk-reduced recovery. Equally important is granular options to be able to restore individual files or systems for targeted disaster recovery.
  • Geographic redundancy and data security:
    • A strong solution should leverage dispersed data centers, employ encryption, and enforce compliance measures for safety.

MSPs should also consider the following:

  • Integration and compatibility:
    • Evaluate how the DRaaS solution integrates with existing technology. For example, a demo of ConnectWise BCDR can provide a great testing opportunity with your existing suite of software.
    • Explore tool-specific options like VMware disaster recovery or SaaS backup for Azure AD to find the best fit.
  • Cost-effectiveness and ROI:
    • Focus on value and potential reduction in downtime.
    • Weigh benefits against costs.
  • Support and vendor expertise:
    • Assess the vendor's reputation and support channels.

DRaaS plays a key role in lowering client downtime and protecting data in today's landscape, where preparedness and recovery capabilities are essential. An established BCDR solution is critical to providing robust protection and efficient recovery support for your clients while protecting your reputation and revenue stream.

Best-in-class MSPs choose BCDR solutions from ConnectWise to deliver the continuous data protection and backup monitoring support clients depend on. Experience the benefits of a proactive backup and disaster solution firsthand by watching an on-demand demo today.


Absolutely, DRaaS offers benefits that are particularly advantageous for small businesses, providing cost-effective and scalable solutions without requiring extensive infrastructure investments.

Recovery time varies based on factors such as the severity of the disaster, the chosen model, and the provider's infrastructure. Modern solutions prioritize ultra-low recovery times, often measured in minutes.

It safeguards against many disasters, including natural events, hardware failures, cyberattacks, human errors, and more.

Yes, solutions prioritize security and compliance, adhering to stringent protocols, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and segmentation.

Unlike conventional approaches, DRaaS leverages cloud-based technologies and automation for streamlined and accelerated recovery.

Consider the track record, reputation, security measures, compliance certifications, and customer support capabilities. Look for a provider offering flexible models, comprehensive testing, and integrations with existing systems.
