ConnectWise Certify

Cybersecurity framework, certification & thought leadership
Two men writing equations on a glass wall
MSP+ Cybersecurity Framework & Playbooks
The ConnectWise Certify MSP+ Cybersecurity Framework is designed for MSPs and defines what good cybersecurity looks like. Depending where you are in your security journey, we have a playbook that will guide you towards success.
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Cybersecurity education

ConnectWise Certify includes a robust program of education, information, collaboration, engagement, and business-building resources aligned to the MSP+ Cybersecurity Framework to support MSPs, improve their cybersecurity posture for their clients, and guide them through the Security Journey.

ConnectWise Certify cybersecurity trainings

Join our team of cybersecurity experts for this free, full-day training event to learn about foundational cybersecurity, including industry frameworks and standards, risk assessment best practices, and navigating the ecosystem of security products, as well as role-specific segments tailored specifically for MSP sales professionals and MSP engineers.

Register for Certify Fundamental >>

ConnectWise Buzz - Cybersecurity Briefings

Join the IT Nation Secure team along with other industry leaders for our live Industry Buzz: Security Briefings to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends and learn actionable strategies on how to continue to build a resilient, secure business.

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ConnectWise University

Already a ConnectWise partner? Visit the ConnectWise University to dive deeper with our robust library of cybersecurity education and trainings.

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