Consolidate and correlate cybersecurity data to improve coverage, detection, and compliance

Cybersecurity teams manage large amounts of data generated at high speeds from sources across their IT landscape. And as the type, frequency, and severity of threats intensify, detecting incidents becomes more difficult. Without ways to centralize and retain data, analyze it at scale, and provide meaningful context to events, many threats go unnoticed, exposing organizations to regulatory fines and possible attacks.

ConnectWise SIEM breaks down data silos to consolidate log data from all endpoints, networks, apps, and the cloud including Microsoft 365 for improved single-pane visibility. With advanced correlation and real-time alerting, analysts can quickly and effectively identify, investigate, and address high-priority threats.

Our single platform offers TSPs choice and flexibility to meet client security needs. ConnectWise SIEM gives your team the autonomy and control to manage workflows, drive decisions, and take action. Backed by proprietary threat research and intelligence and certified cyber experts, ConnectWise Co-Managed SIEM™ offers enterprise-grade, 24/7 managed detection and response that's profitable and easy to sell without the challenges of building and maintaining your own SOC.

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Detect and remediate cybersecurity incidents quickly

Designed specifically for MSPs: multi-tenant architecture

Visibility into all client environment security-relevant activities

Decrease the time spent on alert or attack investigation

Streamline your incident management

Help meet regulatory compliance and audit requirements

Lower your total cost of ownership

Improve security coverage, detection, and compliance


Comprehensive visibility into client environments

Intuitive analytics, improved data collection, and a streamlined incident response workflow help you:

  • Do more to detect threats, mitigate attacks, and meet compliance requirements
  • Save time on investigations and triage with accurate alerting and quick deployment
  • Collect data via agents on end user devices, servers, network equipment, firewalls, antivirus; via protocols like syslog; or through API integrations for SaaS apps.


Build for today, scale for tomorrow

Don’t settle for an entry-level solution that doesn't scale for the future. With ConnectWise SIEM, you can:

  • Achieve high performance at lower operating costs, now and in the future
  • Tailor data storage and retention to your needs
  • Stay current with the evolving technology landscape and reduce the total cost of ownership


Tap into MSP-specific threat insights

Minimize SIEM configuration overhead with pre-built and regularly updated libraries from the ConnectWise Research Unit™ (CRU). These expert analysts:

  • Conduct proactive threat hunting to detect unusual activity
  • Continuously update signatures and detection rules to stay ahead of emerging threats
  • Effectively address threats to reduce your total cost of ownership

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Extend your team as needed

Not enough time to manage a SIEM? Our elite SOC delivers:

  • 24/7 threat monitoring, detection, and response
  • MSP-specific threat intelligence, enhanced with AI technology
  • Extra safeguards and peace of mind for you and your clients

What makes ConnectWise SIEM unique?

Unique Capabilities



Cross-product integrations.

Integrations into ConnectWise RMM™ and ConnectWise Automate™ for agent management and ConnectWise PSA™ for invoicing and ticketing consolidation.

Drives return on investment and cross-departmental efficiencies.

Network monitoring included.

ConnectWise SIEM includes a network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS). The network is a crucial point of the defense in depth approach.

Enhances the attack surface coverage and provides another defense layer for managed and unmanaged endpoints and helps protect IoT devices that are otherwise left unmonitored.

Human, expert-led feedback loops.

The trifecta of the ConnectWise CRU, content team, and security operations analysts provide industry-leading detections for the ConnectWise SIEM.

Allows to better address emerging threats across the MSP threat landscape.

Automation of MSP tasks wherever possible to improve efficiency.

ConnectWise SIEM provides many automations among them the Hero Dashboard, which provides detailed insights into what the SIEM has done over the last months, perfect to be used as an executive or QBR report for your engagement with your clients.

Provides insights into time-to-value and overall return on investment for your clients.

Environment-specific integrations, dashboards, and detections.

A dedicated content team maintains and enhances a plethora of ConnectWise SIEM dashboards for many different data sources and builds advanced detection logic for novel threats.

Minimizes in-house efforts to build out your own dashboard library and ultimately increased return on investment.

Partner program.

At ConnectWise, we want to ensure that you are becoming successful in running your cybersecurity practice. In turn, we grant you access to benefits that entail sales and marketing support, as well as funding for joint strategic initiatives.

Allows for growth of your business.

Peer community.

As implied by our company name, ConnectWise connects you with your peers. ConnectWise IT Nation, ConnectWise Evolve, Service Leadership, user groups, virtual community, and many more channels provide unparalleled learning opportunities covering business, IT, and cybersecurity disciplines.

Allows to avoid pitfalls and helps grow your business.

Frequently asked questions

SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management. It is a cybersecurity technology that combines security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM) to provide real-time monitoring, threat detection, and incident response capabilities.

A SIEM tool is a software solution that collects and analyzes security event logs and data from various sources within an organization's IT infrastructure. It helps in identifying potential security incidents, correlating events, and providing actionable insights to security teams.

SIEM is pronounced as "sim."

When selecting a SIEM provider, consider factors such as their experience in the industry, the scalability of their solution, and their ability to integrate with your existing security infrastructure. Evaluate the features and capabilities of their SIEM tool, including log collection, event correlation, threat intelligence integration, and reporting. Additionally, consider their support services, pricing model, and the level of customization they offer to meet your specific needs.

No, SIEM is not a firewall. While both SIEM and firewalls are important components of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, they serve different purposes. A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. On the other hand, SIEM is a technology that collects and analyzes security event logs and data from various sources to detect and respond to security incidents.

Key features of a SIEM tool include log collection and aggregation, event correlation and analysis, real-time monitoring, threat detection and alerting, incident response workflows, compliance reporting, and integration with other security tools and technologies.

SIEM works by collecting and aggregating security event logs and data from various sources, such as network devices, servers, endpoints, and applications. It then applies correlation rules and algorithms to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate security incidents. SIEM tools provide real-time monitoring, alerting, and reporting capabilities to help security teams detect and respond to threats effectively.

Security professionals interact with SIEM tools through a user interface or dashboard provided by the SIEM solution. They use this interface to configure and manage the SIEM system, define correlation rules, monitor security events and alerts, investigate incidents, and generate reports. The SIEM tool provides visualizations, search capabilities, and other tools to facilitate efficient analysis and response to security events.

SOAR (security orchestration, automation, and response) and SIEM are complementary technologies that serve different purposes. SIEM focuses on log collection, event correlation, and real-time monitoring for threat detection and response. SOAR, on the other hand, automates and orchestrates security processes and workflows, enabling faster and more efficient incident response. While SIEM provides the foundation for threat detection, SOAR enhances the incident response capabilities by automating repetitive tasks, integrating with various security tools, and facilitating collaboration among security teams.

Seeing is believing. Experience how ConnectWise SIEM can help you detect and respond to threats faster.