Company Updates Blog Posts

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3 min read
Passing the torch: A new leader for the next era of ConnectWise growth
I am excited about what lies ahead for ConnectWise. I am confident that ConnectWise is in excellent hands with Manny Rivelo as the new CEO. Manny and I have worked closely during this transition, and his leadership and vision are aligned with our goals.
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Company Updates
4 min read
Empowering MSPs to protect and secure everything: The story behind the acquisition
We’re proud to announce that ConnectWise has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Axcient and closed the acquisition of SkyKick, pioneers and leaders in data protection, business continuity, and cloud backup software.
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4 min read
Axcient and ConnectWise: Our mutual commitment to you
Together ConnectWise and Axcient will accelerate our mission of keeping businesses running and helping MSPs both protect their clients and run more profitable businesses. Actions speak louder than words and we look forward to continuing to earn your partnership. 
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2 min read
Understanding the impact of the CrowdStrike-Microsoft outage
In simple terms, CrowdStrike customers using Microsoft products are experiencing widespread outages due to a defect in a CrowdStrike content update for Windows hosts. Some are calling this “the largest IT outage in history”.
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3 min read
Empowering MSPs with community, product innovation, and strategic partnerships
ConnectWise is innovating to empower MSPs! Take advantage of our community, services, and new products to support your growth.
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5 mins read
ConnectWise Business Management: Q1 Recap
Are you caught up on the newest ConnectWise Business Management innovations? Find out with this deep dive into all the exciting updates made throughout Q1 2024.
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Responding to the ScreenConnect Vulnerability
This event was not a data breach, intrusion, or ransomware event on ConnectWise. ConnectWise continues to prioritize security and encourages all customers to stay updated with the latest patches and releases to maintain a secure environment.   
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4 min read
Safeguarding Your Business: Understanding and Addressing the ScreenConnect Vulnerability
ConnectWise, in collaboration with CompTIA, held a live event streamed on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube to address a critical vulnerability found in ScreenConnect software. Here is a recap of the event.
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