
Quosal is now ConnectWise Sell

You can expect an even better user experience as we unify our solutions to simplify your success.

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ConnectWise, LLC. offers you the quote-to-cash automation you know and love, and so much more

Running a successful sales team takes a strong mix of people, process, and tools. At ConnectWise, LLC., our mission is to support your success with a platform that helps you manage client relationships, sell more effectively, create smoother team handoffs, and gain more visibility. That’s why we’ve changed the name of our flagship products—to reflect who we are and what our products really do for you.

Formerly known as Quosal, ConnectWise Sell® is still the same powerful quote-to-cash automation platform that can help you create simple and professional quotes and proposals, see every detail of your sales pipeline, and close deals faster. Now simplifying our software under one company means you have one team backing your business end-to-end, every step of your journey.

Get to know ConnectWise Sell

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Quote & proposal

Close more sales, and close them faster, with powerful quote and proposal automation for technology solution providers (TSPs) big and small. Simplify, streamline, and automate your sales success.

Save time, quote more >>
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Product sourcing

Get access to up-to-the-minute product resources whenever and wherever you need them. Keep your data accurate and always at-hand with ConnectWise Sell functionality.

Simplify product sourcing >>
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Workflow automation

When you can identify vital sales events and the best delivery time frames, you can plot your course to sales success. Do it all faster with automation.

Change the workflow game >>
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Powered by Microsoft® BI™, ConnectWise Sell’s business intelligence capabilities offer you the pour to deep div into your data and transform it into fuel for better business decisions.

Access better intelligence >>

Take a tour of ConnectWise Sell today

See for yourself what powerful quote and proposal automation can do for you.