IT Nation Connect 2023 recap : Revolutionary technology for modern TSPs

| By:
Jason Magee

Another successful IT Nation Connect has come and gone, and year after year, I am enthralled and inspired by the community-driven spirit at IT Nation and the IT solution provider (TSP) communities.

We had nearly 4,000 of you join us in Orlando, marking this year as the biggest IT Nation Connect in its history! Let’s dive into some of the most exciting announcements and accomplishments from three exciting days of inspiring keynotes, informative breakout sessions, networking, and fun.

Opening keynote

On Wednesday evening, IT Nation Connect opened with a noteworthy keynote introducing the 2023 conference. My colleagues and I focused on living in an age of advanced intelligence, shared a vision of the radically shifting technology revolution, and how ConnectWise is preparing for a future that will inevitably be shaped by a convergence of man and machine.

One of the most exciting aspects of announced innovations is the goal of hyperautomation. This means we’re driving toward integrating a powerful combination of technologies—such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and robotic process automation (RPA)—to streamline your operations, increase productivity, and lower costs.

Together, we are building a future where TSPs will play a vital role in shaping how technology transforms our lives.

The future of ConnectWise products and services

Aligning with the opening keynote, we were excited about all the revolutionary announcements at ConnectWise, but let’s highlight a few notable items:

  • ConnectWise announces next-generation AI solution with ConnectWise Sidekick™
    ConnectWise Sidekick
    is an AI assistant that unlocks a new level of efficiency and ingenuity for TSPs and their small and midsized (SMBs) customers. Building on the initial AI integration with ConnectWise RMM™ and ConnectWise Automate™, ConnectWise Sidekick can now be added to any product in the ConnectWise suite.

  • ConnectWise unveils robotic process automation and other groundbreaking innovations in the Asio™ platform
    ConnectWise RPA is a new product that leverages hyperautomation to simplify the creation, deployment, and management of software robots that mimic human actions when interacting with digital systems and software. ConnectWise RPA, now available in the Asio platform, aims to help TSPs overcome client challenges while simultaneously reducing labor costs.

  • ConnectWise delivers a modern, integrated experience across Business Management solutions
    ConnectWise is prioritizing its reimagination efforts to support MSPs today and in the future. By delivering a modern, integrated experience across its entire Business Management portfolio, ConnectWise provides enterprise-grade scale, reliability, performance, cybersecurity, and availability optimized for TSPs serving SMBs.

Read about all the exciting news shared at the event >>

Keynote speaker Jesse Cole, owner of Savannah Bananas

On Friday morning, IT Nation Connect attendees had the opportunity to gather and experience Jesse Cole’s enlightening keynote "Fans First: The 5 E's to Create an Unforgettable Experience." Jesse is the owner of Fans First Entertainment and the Savannah Bananas, an entertainment baseball team that has sold out every game since their first season!

He encouraged us to reimagine customer and employee experiences to create a “fans first” approach to inspire loyalties that strengthen businesses.

IT Nation Gives

IT Nation Connect wouldn’t be what it is today without our incredible IT Nation Gives charity events. Each year, members of the IT Nation community—including ConnectWise partners and colleagues—spend time giving back to the Orlando community.

This year, we supported K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides service dogs to military veterans suffering from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, or military sexual trauma. We’re proud to announce that we raised nearly $15,000 to support this group, in addition to those who spent Saturday morning supporting K9s for Warriors in our 5K Fun Run.

As we reflect on yet another successful event, we can’t thank our partners enough for making IT Nation Connect 2023 our best event yet. And, if you joined us virtually, don’t forget that you have access to our inspiring keynotes and sessions for 90 days following the event.

See you next year!