Blog Posts by Sam Demulling

Sam Demulling
Sam Demulling
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4 min read
How to guide your clients through on-prem to cloud migration
With more SMBs and mid-size business making shifting from on-prem to cloud infrastructure, having the right processes and solutions in place to support is key.
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Business Growth
5 min read
How to turn the sales-to-service handoff into a touchdown
The sales process is all about building relationships and understanding a prospect’s needs. But once a deal is won, the handoff may come with challenges—like missing information or delays—that can be the difference between a first down and a touchdown. To help you avoid customer experience fumbles, ConnectWise Sell® and ConnectWise Manage® offer several unique features that ensure no information is lost once it leaves the sales team’s hands.
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Product Tips & Updates
3 min read
Preventing sloppy quotes: how to put your best sales foot forward
Quotes aren’t just an important part of the sales process—they’re also representative of your company. When you put out materials that the public can see, you always want to make sure that those materials are in line with your brand and reflect the high standards that your customers expect from you.
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Quotes & Proposals
2 min read
The integration that makes procurement simple
Most technology professionals don’t usually jump for joy when they hear procurement. In reality, it’s a task most struggle with. When the products you use can’t define a solid and efficient procurement process, it can heavily impact your bottom line—and your sanity.
An icon of a magnifying glass.
Product Tips & Updates
1 min read
4 features that you may have missed in ConnectWise Sell
If you’re already using ConnectWise Sell to automate your quote and proposal process, you’re cranking out quotes faster and more easily than ever before. That’s critical for growing your business. After all, when a customer needs a quote, you don't have time to dawdle. And because they let you break down the proposed work in detail, your quotes highlight the total value you’re providing, making it easier for your customers to say “yes.”
An icon of a magnifying glass.
Product Tips & Updates
1 min read
ConnectWise and Gartner Magic Quadrant 2018
We believe that our place as a niche player in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Con¬figure, Price, Quote Application Suites validates our laser-focused mission to be the leading CPQ provider to technology solution providers. To us, one of the key strengths of ConnectWise CPQ is how quickly users adopt the software, allowing them to see an immediate increase in productivity and accuracy.
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Quotes & Proposals

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