
ConnectWise acquires StratoZen

Adding SOAR to the ConnectWise platform

The StratoZen acquisition gives TSPs the opportunity for a more proactive defense against cybersecurity attacks

StratoZen provides modern SIEM, SOC-as-a-Service, and Proactive Defense solutions that bridge the gap between traditional in-house cybersecurity and legacy outsourced MSSP options. StratoZen delivers unique value to TSPs by focusing on high accuracy, unmatched flexibility, and custom integration with existing IT operations. Organizations that outsource IT management can access these solutions through the extensive network of service provider partners. Enterprises with in-house teams can leverage StratoZen to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of their SIEM and security operations.

Purpose-built cybersecurity solutions for TSPs to help them...

Avoid security alert fatigue

Deliver SIEM services

Solve the skills gap in cybersecurity

Avoid the high costs of security offerings

Offer true data privacy for clients

Ensure constant cybersecurity compliance

Hear from the product experts

Introducing the first purpose-built security platform for TSPs

Learn how this acquisition helped to create our intelligent, security-centric platform.

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