ConnectWise announces acquisitions, a strategic partnership, and industry-wide initiatives at IT Nation Connect 2019

| By:
Jason Magee

During the opening keynote today at IT Nation Connect 2019, ConnectWise had some exciting announcements to make that are changing the IT Industry as we know it. The acquisitions of Continuum and ITBoost, a new solution called ConnectWise Engage, powered by Webinfinity, and industry-wide initiatives revealed will not only will boost efficiencies for partners across the platform, but provide more choices for service offerings, risk mitigation, and overall advancement in the industry as a whole.

Keynote recap

With the announcement came the revelation of ConnectWise partners being able to put their hands on more problem-solving resources, tools for efficiency, and fuel for growth—but also spark the flame for the transformation of ConnectWise into a technology and services platform that benefits the entire technology channel, including vendors, distributors, and TSPs along with their customers. In addition, ConnectWise launched a security initiative calling for the awareness of the entire industry on how to safeguard themselves against cyber security threats and fight back against cybercrime.

We are embracing the forward trajectory spirit of the IT industry as a whole with our new solution suite that is redefining business automation. ConnectWise’s best-in-class platform (PSA, RMM, CPQ) is converging with service-enabled RMM, security and NOC/SOC from Continuum, IT documentation from ITBoost, and our new solution, ConnectWise Engage, Powered by Webinfinity, which will be released next year. This powerhouse team makes ConnectWise the only software platform on the market that connects the TSP upstream to its suppliers and downstream to its customers. This unified business operating environment is invaluable to TSPs.

Every one of these exciting announcements will increase efficiency for ConnectWise partners, mitigate risks, and evolve ConnectWise into an all-inclusive, unparalleled technology and services platform as we move into 2020. Specifically:

  • The acquisition of ITBoost will increase efficiencies for TSPs with an innovative and advanced IT documentation system.
  • Our unification with Continuum will allow ConnectWise partners to use Continuum’s AI-enabled services model to grow and scale in the critical areas of remote monitoring and management, security, and data protection without having to grow headcount.
  • When launched next year, ConnectWise Engage, powered by Webinfinity, will simplify the relationships you have with your technology suppliers, eliminating the silos of chaos that exist in dealing with multiple vendors.
  • Our security initiative calls on the entire industry to adequately prepare for and fight back against cybersecurity threats. The initiative views security not a problem to be solved, but a risk to be managed.
ConnectWise joins forces with Continuum

The combination of ConnectWise and Continuum offers a platform with the ability to serve the TSP space on a much broader level. Mature TSP will have low startup costs that allow creation of new practice areas or new services startups, and the ability to sell service offerings immediately. In addition, ConnectWise is now able to offer Continuum’s fully integrated managed services model for outsourcing work so TSPs can choose which model best suits them.

During the keynote, CEO of Continuum Michael George expressed his excitement about joining the ConnectWise family and how he believes the future of MSPs provides extraordinary opportunities empowered by this new, combined platform.

George says, “The combination of Continuum and ConnectWise enables solution providers to transform their business around artificial intelligence, autonomic remediation, and a global workforce when necessary providing our partners with infinite and elastic scale. Our two organizations complement each other perfectly, and the journey Continuum has been on for the past eight years—including our acquisitions of R1Soft, CARVIR and BrightGauge—have led to this transformational merger.”

ConnectWise acquires ITBoost

ConnectWise’s acquisition of ITBoost will greatly increase efficiency and save time for TSPs with a best-in-class IT documentation tool. TSPs can now get visual renderings of important data and regulate data across their business. This allows TSPs efficiently drive business optimization with consistent access to the most current information that is needed.

ConnectWise Engage powered by Webinfinity

Efficiency in a TSP is key—and ConnectWise Engage powered by Webinfinity is designed to remove the burden of working in “silos of chaos” and make TSPs more scalable, effective, and profitable. Since a large number of resources are difficult for TSPs to access, and the average channel partner works with 20 venders across different online management portals, TSPs may often find themselves at an impasse in today’s “as-a-service” world. When ConnectWise Engage powered by Webinfinity is released in 2020, ConnectWise partners will be able to access multiple vendors through a single pane of glass.

ConnectWise looking forward

This is an exciting time at ConnectWise and for The IT Nation as a whole. With this new, all-encompassing approach to managed services featuring the most extensive set of integrated functions of any platform, we are helping to reach new heights in the IT Industry as a whole. We are proud to be a part of this global community inspiring success today and beyond—and all of us here at ConnectWise are so excited to see what the future holds.