The IT Nation code of conduct
IT Nation community guidelines
The IT Nation isn’t just a community built on conferences, product trainings, and community-based events—it’s a place to explore, share, connect, and evolve with like-minded individuals.
In The IT Nation, we value the inclusive and safe environment we strive to sustain for each other. We have created a place where you can step outside your comfort zone and be your authentic self. That why it’s so important to hold our community to specific standards.

Within The IT Nation, we believe there’s immense value in being exposed to new viewpoints—including ones that challenge your own way of looking at the world. Because we hold ourselves to the highest standard of creating a safe space for thought-provoking conversations, we know we can’t have those conversations unless everyone feels respected.
We’re committed to being a safe and inclusive space for all our attendees, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, race, nationality, ethnicity, disability, medical conditions, religion (or lack thereof), physical appearance, politics, or ideology. Our Code of Conduct is here to provide a clear set of guidelines to everyone in The IT Nation community about the standards to which we hold you—and ourselves.

We expect that all attendees, speakers, sponsors and other guests behave respectfully. Harassment is never tolerated at IT Nation events or on social media or other online platforms for the event.
Harassment includes (but is not limited to) comments using demeaning, derogatory, or discriminatory language, comments intended to cause offense or harm to other members of the community, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
If you’re asked to stop a certain behavior, you’re expected to do so immediately and respectfully.

Respecting your fellow attendees also means interacting with them in collaborative and non-spammy ways. Whether you’re sponsoring or attending, please remember that no one has agreed to endorse you or give you their attention just because they are attending an IT Nation event.
It’s important not only to be kind to IT Nation event attendees, but also to their inboxes. While we encourage you to connect with other attendees in genuine, human, and helpful ways, scraping emails, blasting people with unsolicited pitches, or spamming your fellow attendees is not acceptable.

We believe open discussions between peers, helpful feedback, and well-intended corrections can help build a safer and more welcoming community.
If you see someone behaving in a disrespectful way, you are encouraged to respectfully discourage them from their behavior. If you do not feel safe, comfortable, or otherwise able to respond and resolve the situation respectfully yourself, please bring it to the attention of IT Nation event staff immediately. We will listen and do everything we can to resolve the issue.
What if you catch yourself behaving disrespectfully, or if someone else shares their discomfort with you? Own up to your words and actions, and apologize accordingly. No one is perfect, and even well-intentioned people make mistakes. What matters most is how you handle these mistakes. Acknowledge these mistakes, make amends, and strive to do better in the future.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of The IT Nation event staff immediately. We take all concerns seriously, and we will use our discretion in determining when and how to follow up on reported incidents.
Depending on the circumstances involved, we may decline to take any further action or may direct the participant to other resources for resolution. We will be happy to help participants contact venue/event security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event.
If we determine that an IT Nation event participant is acting inappropriately, we may take any actions that we feel are necessary to prevent continued disrespectful behavior or harassment. This includes potential expulsion from The IT Nation event without warning or refund.
Together, we can ensure that IT Nation events uphold a safe and collaborative environment for everyone.
Contact us
To report a Code of Conduct violation, click here.
For questions or concerns regarding IT Nation events, please contact us at
This policy is based on several other policies, including Google events anti-harassment policy, Pycon 2013 Code of Conduct, INBOUND Code of Conduct, and Yxyy Community Code of Conduct.