Happier Customers Could Be a Survey Away

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Business doesn’t have to be tough for MSPs!

As a managed service provider, you’re in an industry where service is tested and measured almost constantly. It can feel like a pressure cooker sometimes. And no matter how proactive you are, things break and you have to scramble to fix them.

Add that to the uphill battles of everything outside of your control, like decreasing IT spend, increasingly intelligent malware, people who add their own hardware to the network, and the odd geek who likes to touch everything and winds up breaking something.

It’s a lot to handle. And on top of all of that, you have to make sure your customers are happy or you’ll lose them.

So what you really need is feedback.
Right now, you’ve probably got a few ways to check in:
  1. Regular meetings between customers and account managers
  2. Annual or quarterly satisfaction surveys
  3. Ticket completion surveys

The first two give you the big picture, but you don’t get feedback on specific interactions, and THAT’S where the valuable data is. Get your hands on that data with #3, the ticket completion surveys.

Maybe you have an application that sends your surveys, with questions that you’ve crafted to get to the bottom of customer satisfaction levels. So how’s your return rate? I’m guessing it’s pretty low.

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You’re doing a lot of work for no real insight into customer satisfaction.

It’s time you were introduced to the Crewhu 1-click survey system.

These super simple surveys allow users to rate individual interactions using three smiley faces: happy, indifferent, or not happy. There’s also an open text field  if they want to explain their rating or get into specifics. In just a few seconds, they’re able to give you the feedback you need.

Crewhu also sends real-time alerts to the action-takers inside your organization, which dramatically increases your response rate and improves customer satisfaction. Your team can either send a quick “Thanks for your feedback!” or respond to an unhappy customer almost immediately.

It gets even better, because Crewhu is gamified. For every positive customer interaction, employees earn points and can redeem them for prizes. By aggregating data in real time, you can provide feedback that keeps employees motivated and engaged.

Proven to increase return rates and get you the feedback you need, Crewhu is the only platform for effortlessly feedback and the chance to reward employees for awesome service.

Discover how feedback and employee engagement create happy customers with Crewhu, and don’t just take our word for it! See how return rates jumped from 3% to 35% after Mirus IT adopted the Crewhu platform.

This blog post was sponsored by CrewHu.