How to Eliminate Stress-Causing Issues in Your Tech Business

| By:
Mark Sokol

"We adore chaos because we love to produce order." - M.C. Escher

There's truth behind the musing of this world-renowned graphic artist, known for work inspired by the order of mathematics.

It’s only natural for all of us to seek chaos-free situations and surroundings. Yet possibly nowhere does that seem more challenging than where we spend the majority of our time—in the workplace.

It doesn’t have to be that way. You can claim victory over silos of chaos® in your company with a business management platform (BMP) designed to free you from inefficient processes and disparate systems. A BMP like ConnectWise Manage can offer welcome relief from common pain points. In this first of our 2-part post on eliminating stressful issues, let’s look at how growth and client management are two major areas where chaos can begin to creep into your business.


Stress-Causing Issues:

  • Reliance on existing clients to control the growth of your business through referrals
  • Missed opportunities to capture more revenue from existing clients
  • No plan to delegate responsibilities as your company grow


The right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool allows you to establish a sales process, track your opportunities, stay on top of your sales funnel, and forecast growth so you’re prepared for needed changes.

Client Management

Stress-Causing Issues:

  • Maintaining project awareness requires micromanagement
  • Client issues, questions, and requests aren’t efficiently tracked
  • Sales & Support teams lack visibility into each other’s roles
  • It’s not unusual for clients to complain about lack of communication
  • There’s no system in place for managing client assets or configurations


A business management platform centralizes and automates all processes. Your help desk is efficient. Ticket & time tracking keeps you on top of client needs and prevents billable hours from being missed. Every step of project management has the appropriate visibility level for all parties involved. Client asset management means you never miss a contract renewal.

In part 2 of this post, we take a look at how to gain control in two other major areas where chaos may be lurking right around the corner: efficiency & productivity and finances.

Join the thousands of technology service providers who’ve gained better control of their companies—and lowered their stress levels—with help from ConnectWise Manage.
